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Author archive for: mohanraman

IIFA at Colombo- Kudos to the Southern Film Industry

I was watching the National ( English) TV Channels and the focus that was on the IIFA Awards being held at Colombo. It set me thinking , what made me act – at least prodded me to Blog was dinner with an old friend of mine, one of India’s finest film makers , who has also set one of his films in the backdrop of the Tamil’s struggle in Sri Lanka.

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Why target Kamal Haasan ?

All over Chennai have sprung up Posters which roughly say this “Padmasri Kamalhaasan please resign your post as Honorary President of FICCI which is running the awards in Sri lanka to cover up the genocide –Live Like BharathiRaaja who threw away his padma Sri title – take him as an example” This is the most factually incorrect statement I have ever seen – another clear case of Actor bashing.

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IPL / BCCI – The Media’s selective Bashing ?

There are three Major issues raised in this blog…….
Everyone mentions that Mr.Srinivasan has bought a team , while being the BCCI Secretary etc. This was done after express written permission of the BCCI. This was questioned by Shri Muthiah ( I shall not get into that Politics here) in the Madras High Court and the Court held that what Mr Srinivasan (NS) had done was not illegal. Now the issue is on appeal in the Supreme Court. Being a matter Sub Judice I shall not comment on this case.

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