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Your Salary Please.????

Hello to all in this BLOGOSPHERE. Thanks to my friend Sunderrajan who helped in goading and creating this page I was able to transfer a few of my earlier scattered posts on Cinema Stamps to this page.Todays peeve is post this huge “Dasavatharam” film hype everyone is talking of who made how much. Nobody wants to know how much a cardio thoracic surgeon makes in a day doing 6 to 8 open hearts, how much an architecht made in designing a multiplex or how much an advocate made in arguing the case for the Ambanis….But the entire population is taking a guess on what Rajinikanth cleared in Sivaji or kamal in Dasavatharam….why this obsession with what others are earning…? Defenitely not as much as the media will like you to think,,,,So let us leave all this talk of crass and mundane things like money and look at what the actor and the technicians have done.
Most of the Film Industry is based on high levels of secrecy…Only the actor, the producer and their auditors will be privy to the actual figure….needless to say the Tax Man, so all the guessing by “sources close” is a lot of Bull …do not believe or encourage this talk….If you feel like it, walk up to that Bank clerk who was insolent and ask him for his salary or the waiter in a hotel who gave you poor service for his….Will they answer.?
Then why subject this poor film chap alone to this ignominy….of course a few select cricketeers have joined this exclusive breed of bare your pay packet…
You may well ask, why resume blogging with a peeve, well if I cant pour it all out here, where else can I…..?
Tomorrow on TV Vs Cinema….

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