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Nithyananda – N.D.Tiwari and the like

Ever wonder how life can go Topsy turvy on you ? You need not look far…just peek at what these two “gentlemen” have done….A third across the seas – Tiger Woods is not on Par as he is a self confessed sexaholic undergoing detox…..

My point is that there is a difference in the way both have been treated….
N.D has been politely edged out of office and given a welcome in his native town with channels interviewing him and he promising that the ‘truth’ will come out and that he will return to Politics….Why has this been done ? Probably because he is from the Party in Power…
Take the case of the other “offender” he is being hounded, chased,effigy burnt and property looted, accused of everything from kidnapping to cheating etc.A few Advocates claiming cases to be filed against him and theistic right wing forces immediately jumping in to save the cad.
I do not understand how the offence is any less or different if done by a saffron clad bounder as opposed to a khadi clad one.
In fact the media has been quite partial too – they blasted Nithyananda’s escapades but then N.D.T got away ( the courts gave him a respite ? I am not sure in which case why was this individual refused ?).Why should one person be treated so differently ?
In all this I pity the actress who is caught in the middle of this imbroglio. I wish the media had not burnt her so effectively and efficiently as well. I have a few points that are glaringly different in this Nithya episode from the Raj Bhavan one. I guess the location for a start – one is the first house of the State of Andhra…the other a Private place. In that sense the NDT crime is far more for there was a quid pro quo alleged etc etc…In the Nithya case it is two Adults having Consensual sex. They are not even cheating any Spouse , So please tell me what is the “Legal” crime ? I am not for a moment suggesting that the actions of either are morally condonable or should be left unpunished/unpublished.
I am upset that the Media can play such censor able material ( The Hon’ble Chief Minister did make this point today) and the Press Publish Photographs of two people in flagrante delicto.
He is not a Mutt head or a Catholic priest who is supposed to be Celibate – He is a “lifestyle” Guru, preaching some kind of meditation or some other thing , like many others in this game. So nothing is there in Law that states he should not get married ?
what will the Media do ? How can they publish the bedroom life of a married couple ?
Can they rewind life ?
The media just went berserk. This is another case of the need for an Ombudsman or a censor board for the Television Industry. In fact I wonder if any Film Censor would have permitted half the shots that were shown in the Nithyananda case. Much worse is seen in films is one arguement.
If what has been done is OK , then we better be prepared to give up all individual liberty and privacy.
Beware my friends –
Big Brother is not just watching but Video Taping as well.
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